Friday, September 18, 2009

Unurban Cafe, Buon Giorno Caffe, Bay Cities Italian Deli, Caprice Pastries

Un-urban Cafe is on Urban St, so a cool name, which seems to fit this kitschy place. I had a good latte with a head of coffee flavored foam, but passed on the not-so-nice-looking baked goods. The odd items on sale (e.g., voodoo dolls), and the feeling that the place was dead and only comes alive at night was different than most cafes.

Caprice Pastries is just down the street, and you can walk in to buy things, but there's no windows or chairs or anything. Just a kitchen and a freezer. Got a blueberry tart that was forgettable and a chocolate mousse that was very tasty. I wasn't very excited by their selection. Nothing stood out at me. The cakes looked good, but I didn't want that much dessert.

Buon Giorno Caffe seems more like a restaurant, but they make good coffee. Latte again, no foam on this one, with a strong flavor but a mellow aftertaste. Great. The poppyseed muffin (yellow cake batter?) wasn't bad, with nice flavor.

Bay Cities again. Meatball and Godmother. These were great fresh, but it relies so much on the bread that once the bread gets cold and soft/soggy they're really not very special. Also picked up some Cock & Bull ginger soda that was ok and various other things that I haven't tried including Buffalo mozarella & some Burrata.

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