Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Cafe Bellagio and Rocker Wagner Bakery

Cafe Bellagio: While exploring the 3rd street promenade this morning I got a mocha and a chocolate croissant from Cafe Bellagio. I've had excellent espresso from there previously, and the mocha was pretty good. The coffee was relatively strong, with a subtle chocolate flavor. The croissant, on the other hand, was apparently made from a bread dough...something that reminded me of fruitcakes. It wasn't a winner and about a third of it went in the trashcan.

Rocken Wagner Bakery
: Then I stopped by another bakery in the area purely on account of how the pretzels looked. Thankfully they lived up to their appearance. Nice color, good flavor, and chewy. They've got just a slight baking soda taste to them, not as much as my homemade pretzels but that's probably a good thing. I also picked up a plain croissant there that was pretty good, though not as flavorful as (for example) the Breadman croissant I had this past weekend. I hope to go back to this bakery and try their sandwiches made with pretzels for bread. Now that I know the pretzels are good they're pretty enticing.

Penzey's Spices: Not pre-made food, but a store full of wonderful spices. I bought some robust peppercorns, a chili powder blend, and some vanilla extract. I can't wait to try them out. I'm not sure how often I'll go back, but it's a great store to visit occasionally and sample the finer spices in life. (How often do I need more spices? And would I be willing to pay top dollar instead of buying supermarket spices?)

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